At this time, my shop is housed on eBay, but it is not my full inventory.
If you don’t see what you’re looking, contact me and there’s a good chance I have it or can find it for you.
Most frequently restored systems include: Atari 2600, Coleco Vision, Nintendo, Commodore (64, Vic 20 and 128), and Atari 8-bit computers
I offer multiple shipping options, including USPS Priority Mail, UPS and FedEx Home/Ground for Drives. These are selectable at checkout. Please check to see which is most economical or fast, depending on your need.
We have 25 years of experience shipping computers, so the proper clearances and materials are used to ensure the computer does not arrive damaged.
Refurbished computers are sent in a new box, but will have a variety of shipping material used to protect the item in transit.
I recycle as much shipping material as I can.